Today, many companies have begun taking their places among the world of the mobile apps. At that point, it becomes harder for every app to find a place among the most used apps. If you want to have a personal app or an app for your company that will be popular, it is of benefit to do some work to this end. For example, whichever search engine may the users be using, whatever social media venue they may spend their time on, you should provide them with opportunities to discover your app. When your app discovered by many, it can get many downloads in a short time, and your brand’s recognition may rise higher and higher.
According to a survey conducted earlier by Forrester, mobile users in USA and UK use about 24 mobile apps per month. However, 80 percent of all time they spend on these are spent on five apps. Which means, while the rate of mobile use is on the rise, it doesn’t mean all apps are becoming popular. Thankfully, there are many new solutions for bringing together your app and its target audience and increase its popularity. Here are some tips to get your app to reach more people.
Key points on How to make your mobile app more popular?
1.Designing a mobile app towards people’s needs
Millions of apps, on many points, quite an alike one another. Popular mobile apps today are indeed born out of some need. Some cater to the need of doing video calls, others enable its users to instantly share a location they find. Therefore, if you touch a point in people’s lives that satisfy their curiosity or make their lives easier, you may fill a big gap with your mobile app. If you want your app to be popular, you can work on things people need.
2.Being compatible with every platform
Just like their hardware, apps created for the mobile devices keep developing every day. Make sure your app is compatible especially with Android and iOS platforms. When iOS 8 is released, creating an app compatible with iOS 7 will be a roadblock against increasing your popularity. Keeping up with most commonly used operating systems will also mean being compatible with newly developed mobile devices, and therefore can be helpful for improving your popularity.
3.Getting involved in promotional activities
Marketing and promotion efforts will have a significant role increasing the popularity of your mobile app. Because you can raise your voice to greater masses with advertising efforts. You can bring promotion of your mobile app to your target audience with social media platforms which are trending nowadays and get your app to become more popular.
Your app being popular means reaching the targeted audience and so to the potential users. If you don’t have a mobile app yet, you can create one in a few minutes with MobiRoller.
If you want to make money with your mobile app, let us help you! Just visit our Make Money pages!