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Make Your App Shine – Get Reviews Now!

User reviews have more influence than you might think. From products to services, companies to restaurants, we can’t help but be swayed by what others say about an item or experience. You don’t even need expensive items for others to weigh in – take a look at Amazon, and you’ll find reviews for affordable items, like a $3 pet bowl, and pricier products, like a $2,000 pool and spa heater.

Make Your App Shine

The power of social proof applies to mobile apps as well. A study discovered that users were eight times more likely to download an app with excellent reviews from a brand than they did not know that an app with negative reviews from a famous brand. Furthermore, over 70% of users read at least one review before downloading any given app. If you’re having difficulty convincing your customers to download your app, a few user reviews may be the solution!

Another great benefit of asking your app users to review is that it can help with app ranking. Nobody wants to download an app with bad reviews – so having positive ratings and reviews will draw more people to your small business’s app. Let’s now discuss a few ways to encourage your customers to review your app.

Build a Great App

Building an app that doesn’t disappoint is the first step to having someone rate it as excellent or outstanding. It doesn’t have to be revolutionary, nor does it need a lot of features; its primary purpose should be to make something more straightforward and efficient. That’s key for setting your app apart from the rest. With a little extra effort and attention to detail, you’ll have an app that your users will love.

Build a Great App

Unfortunately, most users are likely only to review or rate your app. The most likely users to provide feedback would be those with a positive or negative experience with it. To ensure you don’t risk alienating your user base, ensure your app functions properly and has an attractive design

You can also consider including a unique feature that can only be accessed on the app, such as booking a table or service, digital loyalty programs, and exclusive offers. Doing so will help to attract more users to your app.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to launch an app with all the features you have in mind. If some are complicated or not functioning as they should, leave them out for now and include them in a future update. It is better to release an app with fewer but well-functioning features than one with many features but poor performance.

Don’t Annoy Your Users

Asking for reviews can be intrusive and distracting, so if you decide to add a pop-up request to your website or app, here are some guidelines to make sure it’s as unobtrusive as possible:

  • Allow the rating & review request to appear only after a user has used your app several times.
  • Make sure it doesn’t interrupt any tasks they are doing.
  • Instead, trigger the request when users are likely to have a positive experience – like after booking a table or completing an online purchase.
  • Don’t ask users for a specific rating; first, ask if they’re enjoying your app, and then proceed to the request.

Don’t Annoy Your Users

An alternative to prompting users to rate your app is to add a menu item that prompts them to “Rate our app.” This should link directly to the correct page in the app store and make it easier for users to leave their ratings. This approach respects the user’s right to decide whether or not they want to rate your app while still being visible and not too intrusive.

You can also use your app description on the app store to encourage users to rate it. After the regular information, add a sentence like “If you enjoy our app, please take a moment to rate it” and include a link to the rating page for your app. If you can send push notifications, sending out a rating request (with the link) to those who have used your app a certain number of times in the past month could also be effective, be sure not to repeat it unless you receive more positive reviews.

Reason to Collect App Reviews

Collecting app reviews is one of the best ways to increase visibility and encourage more downloads. Positive reviews provide social proof that your app is worth downloading, while negative ones can help you identify areas where you need improvement. Reviews also boost your overall ranking in the App Store and provide valuable feedback when revamping or updating your app.

Get Your Customers to Review Your App

Making it easy for your users to leave reviews is one of the most effective strategies to increase the number of reviews. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Include a link in an email sent after customers use an app feature or purchase something.
  • Add a review prompt when they complete a task inside the app.
  • Offer incentives like discounts or exclusive offers in exchange for reviews.
  • Include review links on your website and social media channels.
  • Add a dedicated space in the app where users can look up reviews and ratings.

Don’t forget to thank customers who take the time to leave a review – it shows you care about their opinion and encourages others to follow suit.

Keep Up with the Latest Reviews

In addition to encouraging customers to leave reviews, keeping track of any new ones is essential. To ensure you don’t miss a single one, set up notifications for when someone leaves a review on the App Store. You can then thank them publicly and respond promptly to any negative feedback. 

This will help build trust with your customers and demonstrate that you take their feedback seriously. Collecting reviews from other sources, such as social media sites or third-party review sites, can also be beneficial. This way, you can better understand what people are saying about your app and use constructive criticism to improve it further.

Respond Quickly and Professionally to Reviews

When responding to reviews, the golden rule is to be quick and professional. Address any negative reviews courteously, and explain how you plan on fixing the issue or improving the functionality of your app. 

Respond Quickly and Professionally to Reviews

Reach out directly to customers who leave a comment and offer them a unique solution or helpful advice. For positive reviews, take the time to thank them publicly and make sure they know that their opinion is valued. This will help build an even better relationship between you and your customers and encourage more people to leave feedback in the future.

Leverage Positive Reviews to Increase Visibility and Downloads

No matter what type of reviews your app gets, leveraging them to increase visibility and downloads is essential. Share the best ones on social media sites or add snippets of them in your promotional materials. 

This will help attract new users and show potential customers that your app is worth downloading. Good reviews can also be used as marketing material, so don’t hesitate to use them in your email campaigns or advertising initiatives. Along with other promotional efforts, leveraging positive reviews can help your app become even more popular and successful.

Handle Negative Reviews Gracefully

No matter how well you’ve designed your app, customers will always be unhappy with it. It’s important to handle negative reviews with grace and professionalism to maintain a good reputation. 

First, take time to assess the situation and determine what went wrong. Then, reach out to the customer directly and offer them a solution or an apology. If the issue can’t be resolved, thank them for their feedback and explain how you plan on using it to improve the app in the future. Responding quickly and professionally will show customers that their opinion matters and help build trust.

Use Reviews to Identify Issues and Improve Quality

As with any product or service, customer reviews can be an invaluable tool for identifying issues and improving quality. Take some time to read the reviews and listen to what customers say. This will give you valuable insight into how people use your app and where it could improve.

It’s also a great way to get ideas for new features and ensure you stay up-to-date with the latest trends. With this information, you can make any necessary changes and ensure that your app provides an enjoyable experience for users.

Tips for Getting More Positive App Reviews

Getting more positive reviews for your app can be a challenge, but there are some things you can do to increase the chances of getting them. One of the best ways is to ask users to leave a review after they’ve had an enjoyable experience with your app. This could be done through an in-app message or email. 

You can also run promotions, such as offering users discounts or bonus features in exchange for leaving a review. Creating an incentive can encourage more people to leave positive feedback. Finally, ensure that your app is up-to-date with the latest features and bug fixes, as this will help ensure customers get a great experience.

By following these tips and listening to customer feedback, you can use reviews to improve the quality of your app and get more positive reviews in the future. With a little effort, you can ensure that your app remains successful and continues to be a great source of user enjoyment.


Mobiroller is designed to streamline the review process, allowing you to identify areas for improvement in your app before release. You can also use Mobiroller to engage with your app users and thank them for their reviews and ratings. This feature lets you quickly respond to feedback and address any issues. Mobiroller also supports different languages, making it easier to translate your reviews and comments into other languages. By using the review process, you can easily ensure that your app meets the needs of its users and is optimized for success. With Mobiroller, you can ensure that your app is always up-to-date, attractive, and tailored to your users’ preferences.


Q: What can customer reviews help identify?

A: Customer reviews can help identify issues and improve quality and provide valuable insight into how people are using the app and where it could use improvement.

Q: How should negative reviews be handled?

A: Negative reviews should be handled with grace and professionalism. To do this, it is essential to take some time to assess the situation and figure out what went wrong. Then, reach out to the customer directly and offer them a solution or an apology.

Q: What can be done to encourage more positive reviews?

A: To encourage more positive reviews, consider asking users to leave feedback after they’ve had an enjoyable experience with the app. Additionally, offering discounts or bonus features in exchange for a review can be a great incentive. Finally, ensure that the app is up-to-date with the latest features and bug fixes to ensure customers get a great experience.

Q: What is the primary purpose of reviews?

A: The primary purpose of reviews is to provide feedback on how users feel about the app and to help identify any issues that need to be fixed. It can also provide valuable insight into how people use the app and where it could improve. By listening to customer feedback, you can make sure your app remains successful.

Q: What other ways can reviews be used?

A: Reviews can also provide an opportunity to learn about customer needs and preferences, get ideas for new features, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. With this information, you can make necessary changes and ensure that your app stays ahead of the curve.

Q: How can reviews help an app stand out from the rest?

A: Reviews can help an app stand out by providing valuable insight into customer needs and preferences and highlighting any issues that need to be fixed.


Reviews are an essential part of any successful mobile app. They provide valuable feedback on how users feel about your app and can help identify any issues that need to be fixed. It’s important to handle both positive and negative reviews with grace and professionalism, as this will help build trust between you and your customers. Finally, use reviews to create a better user experience and encourage more people to leave feedback in the future. By leveraging the power of reviews, you can ensure that your app stands out from the rest and continues to succeed.

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