Day by day, people benefit more from the advantages provided by technology. Most recognizable example for this is mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Almost 1 out of every five people in the world is using a smartphone, and this statistic is ever increasing. “Mobile apps” developed for these mobile devices keep being a part of your life. Mobile apps that help with diets, mobile versions of social media venues like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, apps companies sell their products on, and much more
It can be said with confidence that, mobile apps have now taken the place of websites, which were seen as the gateway to the internet before. If you have developed a mobile app in the name of your brand, and want to increase your online reputation so that your app can reach wider audiences, here are some tips worth looking.
Design first
If we admit that when you see an eye catching car, step into a newly built house, or decided to eat in a particular restaurant, the first thing that draws your attention to them is their design, we then can quickly see just how important design is for a potential customer’s decision process. Same criteria are also valid for mobile users. So, you can leave an impression on users and increase your app’s prestige with a mobile app design that is both eye-catching and functional. According to EffectiveUI, who research mobile user habits, a good mobile app design can even impress users who have brand loyalty towards competitor’s apps.
Social apps
As one of modern life’s indispensable, social media can be a weapon of choice for increasing your mobile app’s online prestige. You can increase your recognition by potential users by promoting your app on social media venues, and by posting content that will draw user’s attentions there. Though, being active on social media may not be enough to improve your prestige.
You may need to provide channels of communication between your brand and your target audience so that you can overcome any negativity about your app on the internet. Social media venues may just be the most suited environment for this purpose. You can manage negative comments, and turn users to be confident about both your brand and your products.
Google runs to aid with Alerts
It may not be possible to know what every single user thinks of your app, even if you do, contacting back every one of them won’t be possible either. However, with Google’s Alerts service, it is possible to keep track of what people say regarding your app. Google Alerts is a tool that allows you to be informed when users on the internet use the words you predefine. This tool filters the content in articles, blogs, and columns, and sends the results to you.
You can activate the Google Alerts, which is a free tool, in a few steps. First, you need to enter the keywords you want to be notified of, and then the tool request from you the content type, frequency of notifications and contact information to post the data. After these steps, all that’s left to do is to wait for the time you will be informed, and to make the right use of these data to increase your prestige.
Like American businessman Warren Buffet says, “It takes 20 years to earn reputation, and 5 minutes to destroy it. If you think carefully on this, you will start acting differently about everything”. If you want to have a mobile app that will earn prestige for your brand, create your MobiRoller account right away, and make a solid entry into the mobile world.